E-T-A Circuit Breakers has introduced a cost-optimised version of its cubic-version Smart Power Relay, called the E-T-A E-1048-8D, or DICE variant. It combines the capability of a remotely controllable electronic load disconnecting relay with self-limiting characteristics, and optimised overcurrent protection similar to that of a high quality circuit breaker. Fitting standard automotive power relay sockets, the all-in-one solid-state power controller module replaces both an electromechanical relay, with inherent contact deterioration, and a blade fuse. It is suitable for wide ranging 12/24V DC applications where solenoids, motors or lamp loads have to be switched, protected or monitored, including use in vehicles, on land and sea, in telecommunications, and in the process industry.
"A remotely controllable electronic switching relay offering circuit breaker protection"
The new E-T-A E-1048-8D Smart Power Relay is packaged in a 30mm x 30mm x 30mm housing for direct plug-in mounting to standard relay sockets. It is offered in nine different current ratings from 1A to 25A, for use in ambient temperatures from –40C up to +85C without the need for de-rating. The ENTRY version offers a short-circuit proof switching output in addition to the electronic relay function: the ENTRY-Protect version provides additional rapid electronic disconnection in the event of an overload. The tripping characteristic is similar to that of a quality circuit breaker, thus providing added protection and avoiding nuisance tripping.
Compared to a traditional electro-mechanical relay, the use of power electronics for internal switching means the Smart Power Relay is effectively ‘wear-free’ and insensitive to shock and vibration. It also uses far less power than an electro-mechanical relay. For switching and monitoring higher loads than 25A, several units can be wired in parallel. The new DICE versions are different from the CUBIC models as they do not offer features such as diagnostic LEDs and electronic status signals.
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