E-T-A Circuit Breakers has introduced a new remotely controllable electronic circuit breaker for protecting and monitoring systems in the telecommunications industry. It can be used for the negative switching of loads on –48V DC power supply systems. Major application areas include power distribution systems, exchange and transmission technology, and mobile telephone base stations.
The new E-T-A ESS60T Electronic Circuit Breaker is available in a range of current ratings, from 5A up to 60A, to provide circuit protection and remote switching/resetting. Designed for installation in 19" rack systems, it features an integral ON/OFF button, allowing manual reset, and an LED status indicator. The overcurrent protection capability reliably prevents destruction of electronic components or load lines during switch-on of capacitive loads or through an overload or short circuit. In the event of a short circuit, it is also designed to eliminate short-term high currents which could cause an undesired voltage dip in the power supply or in the power distribution system, thus avoiding consequent system crashes.
The ESS60T features an integral RS232 serial interface to allow re-programming of set overcurrent and undervoltage parameters to match changing circuit conditions. By this means the overcurrent threshold can be adjusted, and the undervoltage threshold can be adjusted between –36V DC and –48V DC to facilitate a priority-based load shedding capability in the event of failure of the mains power. The serial interface also enables ON/OFF switching from a remote location, as well as the ability to remotely reset the load circuit. The ESS60T meets the requirements of the European EMC directive.
E-T-A offers a wide range of power distribution systems, racks and circuit protection solutions for the telecommunications industry, as well as offering racks or sub-assemblies, wired and pre-fitted with circuit breakers, electronic power controllers and other components customised to meet specific requirements.
These products are highlighted in a new 20-page brochure ‘E-T-A Communication’, available free from E-T-A at http://www.e-t-a.com/uk_literature1.html. This covers products used in exchange and transmission technology as well as mobile telephone base stations. It emphasises the complete system solutions and explains the advantages of E-T-A circuit breakers, including their space saving, the ability to ‘hot swap’, and the local/remote re-set capability. Along with descriptions of 20 products it also lists their typical applications.
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