E-T-A Circuit Breakers has published new 2006/07 editions of its separate CBE (Circuit Breaker for Equipment) and Control Products catalogues, which can be requested free by telephone, email or from the company web site. Providing comprehensive technical details, the catalogues have been expanded to include all the latest product developments.
The latest 2006/07 edition of E-T-A’s Circuit Breakers and Control Products / CBE Catalogue now runs to over 500 pages. The 100 page increase reflects, in particular, the expansion of products offering electronic overcurrent protection for selective protection of components in industrial plants, as well as solid state remote power controllers and power distribution systems. The catalogue provides a complete specification of each E-T-A product and is broken down into 10 clearly thumb-tabbed sections. These sections also include four different classifications of CBEs and explanations of their characteristics and how to choose between them for a given application.
The 2006/07 edition of E-T-A’s Electronic Process Sensors – Electronic Switching and Control / Control Products Catalogue contains 410 pages with 9 thumb-tabbed sections, again including all the latest products. Sections include flow meters and monitors, level and velocity sensors, digital panel instruments, and current and voltage monitors. All sections are clearly indexed with summary overviews and contain descriptive details of every product. Photographs and fully dimensioned drawings are included, together with technical data, CBE switching characteristics and product ordering information.
Copies of the two catalogues can be requested from E. Preston (Electrical) Ltd (0161 339 5177), e-mail sales@epreston.co.uk or via the web site at https://www.epreston.co.uk/, which also offers further information on the E. Preston Electrical range of products.
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