For more than four decades, low-voltage switchgear systems have stayed more or less the same. Now, it’s time for a revolution. Introducing ABB NeoGearTM, the biggest breakthrough in switchgear technology yet.
NeoGear is a revolutionary new switchgear, based on an innovative busbar concept. Combined with the connectivity and digital smartness of the ABB Ability™ platform, it offers maximum safety, highest reliability, more flexibility, better efficiency and measurable ROI.
• NeoGear is safer, thanks to its revolutionary, fully insulated busbar system
• NeoGear is more reliable, because its busbar system is maintenance-free and significantly reduces risk of mechanical failure
• NeoGear is more flexible, thanks to a new contact system
• NeoGear is scalable, because it needs much fewer parts and offers more space for starter and feeder components
• NeoGear saves energy thanks to its excellent thermal performance and sharply reduced losses
• NeoGear is underpinned by the ABB Ability™ platform, for better energy management, condition monitoring and predictive maintenance
• NeoGear is future-proof, ready to support the digital factory of the future with its cloud computing an industrial IoT solutions
NeoGear eliminates hazardous exposure to live parts, uses 92 percent fewer busbar components than traditional switchgear and with 90 percent fewer electrical joints improves switchgear availability. The arc ignition protected zone keeps maintenance personnel safer when performing routine works and repairs, while also reducing the risk of arcs caused by mechanical failures.
NeoGear offers a reduced physical footprint by up to 25 percent compared to equivalent switchgear technologies. Within this compact footprint, it also achieves energy efficiency improvements of up to 20 percent due to reduced heat dissipation.
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